Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Warning - Bridge Out Ahead

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Verse of the day:  Prov 5:13

Darby - and I have not hearkened unto the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to those that instructed me.

Stubborn, pig-headed, foolish, reckless.  We've received warnings all our lives.  Ignoring them produces great results?  The Bible says otherwise.

Application:  Listen and obey.

 This is a daylily called Mary Reed.

Weight loss and exercise:  those who have tried this know it's a struggle.  BTW, smoothies are easy.  

The hard part is adjusting to a 1500 calorie diet and exercising regularly.  I'm quite surprised the amount of calories in various things I like.  A slice of cheese is 70?  A piece of bread is 100.  Anyway, that's what's going on at the moment.

Also, I've been disappointed to learn that a one mile walk at a brisk pace burns only 100 calories. Really?

Get out in nature and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.  If you are in Fargo ND, the NDSU Gardens


***Be accountable to someone.  May your day be blessed.  Mike


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