Thursday, July 21, 2016

The diligent and the hasty...

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Verse of the day:  Prov 21:5

Darby - the thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of everyone that is hasty, only to want.

Application to weight loss:  If you are diligent you will make progress.  Hasty decisions lead to failure.

There is a reason the pounds are or are not coming off. Is there someone to blame besides you?

Be sure to consult with your medical professional first before starting a weight loss and exercise program.    

Get out in nature and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.  If you are in Fargo ND, the NDSU Gardens

***Be accountable to someone.  May your day be blessed.  Mike


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A witness of Belial...

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Verse of the day:  Prov 19:28

Darby - A witness of Belial scorneth judgement, and the mouth of the wicked swalloweth down iniquity.

Honesty is the standard - the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  These people are described as the worst of sinners.  Lies and gossip are now acceptable sins in the church?  Sadly, that seems the practice.

Application:  Warn these sinners of their wickedness. Confront the sins.  If it continues and leadership will do nothing because they too are filthy gossips, you'll have little choice but to leave.

Weight loss and exercise:  Until recently, I'd never counted a calorie in my life.  These last couple of weeks have been quite an education.

It takes 3500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat.
Another interesting tidbit is your body burns a certain amount of calories at rest.  So, you can easily determine your Basal Metabolic Rate and then use a Harris Benedict Equation to determine number of calories you can ingest and maintain your current weight.  From this you determine caloric intake and daily deficit.  And you will have a reasonable predictor of how quickly the fat will come off.

For example, my BMR is 1804.  Using the Harris Benedict Equation (1.2) I can eat 2165 calories and maintain present weight.  My current goal is 1500 healthy calories.  That creates a daily deficit of 665 calories as long as I don't go over the goal.  Multiply times 6 = 3990 calories.  In theory, two pounds per week will come off.

Yes, exercise will help.  Figure on burning 100 calories per briskly walked mile.

Be sure to consult with your medical professional first.    

Get out in nature and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.  If you are in Fargo ND, the NDSU Gardens

***Be accountable to someone.  May your day be blessed.  Mike


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Warning - Bridge Out Ahead

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Verse of the day:  Prov 5:13

Darby - and I have not hearkened unto the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to those that instructed me.

Stubborn, pig-headed, foolish, reckless.  We've received warnings all our lives.  Ignoring them produces great results?  The Bible says otherwise.

Application:  Listen and obey.

 This is a daylily called Mary Reed.

Weight loss and exercise:  those who have tried this know it's a struggle.  BTW, smoothies are easy.  

The hard part is adjusting to a 1500 calorie diet and exercising regularly.  I'm quite surprised the amount of calories in various things I like.  A slice of cheese is 70?  A piece of bread is 100.  Anyway, that's what's going on at the moment.

Also, I've been disappointed to learn that a one mile walk at a brisk pace burns only 100 calories. Really?

Get out in nature and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.  If you are in Fargo ND, the NDSU Gardens

***Be accountable to someone.  May your day be blessed.  Mike