Thursday, August 25, 2016

Slander - the accepted sin.....

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We are starting a verse by verse study of Titus tomorrow...Lord willing. See
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Verse of the day:  Prov 25:23

The north wind brings forth rain, and a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance.  NASB

There is a bit of confusion over this verse.  See the KJV.  At issue is the backbiting tongue.  How can we live in an age where this is now accepted sport in the local church?  Yet God condemns this behavior.  Pr 6:19, 10:18, 11:13, 16:28, 17:9. 18:8, 20:19, 26:20-22, Lev 19:16, Ps 50:20 and more.  Also see the King James Concordance.

If you attend Slander Church and this is going on, you must speak out against it.  If church leadership, employees, trustees are involved, you have a serious problem.  

Confront this malignancy.  Depending on their reaction, be prepared to depart.  They may deny it, claim they will have to investigate and downplay the problem.  Be persistent.

Application:  This is always a painful situation.  Is God first or the church folks who claim to be your friend?  If God is first, it must be confronted for the place you're attending tolerates and practices public sin.

Follow the blogs - we can help.

***Be accountable to someone.  May your day be blessed.  Mike


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